I uploaded photos from today and I took a lot of photos! Over 20! Don't worry, I'm not going to post them all. Here are the highlights from today.
We started with size sorting the turkeys. Big Monkey was so far from being into this one. So I sat with him and put one of each size on the card for him. Then I picked them up and asked him if it was small, medium, or large. He wouldn't even look at most of the cards! Then all of a sudden, he decided that the smalls were "baby turkeys," the mediums were "mama turkeys," and the bigs were "daddy turkeys." When we approached it that way, he got them ALL correct and enjoyed telling me where they went. I guess he's got the size concept down. Small, medium, and big are just not creative enough for him.

Baby Monkey is getting harder and harder to entertain while we do school. He really wants to be in the middle of it all, and playing with toys even next to Mama is not cutting it any more. I'm looking forward to the day when he can start his own activities - it's coming soon! Today we tried to let him have a dry erase crayon and a color the turkey page. He tried to color for a moment (not even long enough for me to snap a photo) and then decided eating the crayon was more fun. Note the blue marks all over his face. Dry erase crayons seem to dissolve in the mouth - yuck! Oh and yes, I know, my baby needs a drool bib.
Big Monkey was tracing his turkey maze from turkey to nest while Baby Monkey ate the crayon. Here he is erasing his work.
Baby Monkey quickly moved on to a book. This entertainment lasted one activity I think.
Big Monkey "fed the turkey." Each card had a little picture of items a turkey might eat (caterpillar, grass, berries, etc), and we talked about each and how a turkey might eat them. We also talked about the 4 wild turkeys that we saw last week when we were out on a run. What perfect timing!
Some tracing, which is quickly becoming a favorite and Big Monkey is getting so much better at it. I'm excited to see these prewriting skills coming together for him.
Then we tried something new - color by number. It quickly turned in to Big Monkey telling me what color I was supposed to color with. He did well though telling me the correct colors for each number. It was fun.
Then Big Monkey insisted that he show off his turkey from yesterday, again. I told you that this was a favorite.
I turned around to find this: Baby Monkey with my expo dry erase markers. Oh so not a good combination, but look at how happy he finally is! He was not so happy when I took them away. They are not crayola washable, sigh.
I had Big Monkey matched letters to "turkey." We haven't worked on lower and uppercase letters, so this was new. He did well. He could match them all except the little r. He kept turning it upside down and saying it was an L. When I told him that it was a baby R, he said "why does it have a handle on it?" Ummmm... because baby letters do??
We ended our morning watching Charlie Browns' Thanksgiving. Then while I cooked dinner, Big Monkey played with the skittles turkey. He matched up about 5 skittles to the colors and then started eating the ones on the turkey. Then he went back to sorting and insisted that he needed one more purple because he had a purple spot with no skittle. It was cute.