The Monkey Family
Daddy Monkey
Daddy Monkey goes out into the world and brings home the bacon so the Monkey boys and I can go through this adventure together. He's our computer specialist, carpenter, handy man, and outdoor enthusiast. Although the boys haven't quite gotten to the right age to enjoy most of the outdoor activities Daddy Monkey really loves. We're getting there. Both boys already seem to love swing dancing, just like their daddy.
Mama Monkey
Big Monkey
Our eldest is a ball of spunk and attitude (neither of which are a bad thing, and both of which will probably serve him well). He is a sweet boy with a creative mind and a wide range of interests. He is our peanut allergic Monkey, which will hopefully never define him (and maybe one day won't even be a part of him? See our food allergy journey). Big Monkey is the first joy of my life.
Baby Monkey
This little boy has given his mama some grey hairs but more joy than one could imagine. Baby Monkey is my climber, my daredevil at heart. He is quiet, but strong willed (maybe even more so than his big brother, I think). His concentration skills at this age still amaze me, and his hugs are one of the highlights of my day. Watching his personality grow each day is nothing short of a joy for this mama.
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